Drewsar Lagottos
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We are a family run hobby breeder between Milton and Guelph, Ontario. Dogs are our passion. They are our personal companions first and show/working dogs second. They sleep on our couches, beds and have taken over swimming in our pool. They are a big part of our everyday lives, and we could not imagine a day without them.

Drewsar Lagotto Puppies

We were introduced to this wonderful breed in 2014 when we exported one of our PWDs to Sweden. Sara met several Lagotti from Gleska Kennel at a show in Norway and fell in love. We purchased our foundation girl Nesta from a wonderful breeder in Italy and began our exciting adventure with this special breed.

Nesta had our first Lagotto litter in September of 2016. There were five puppies and we kept one beautiful girl named “Brooke” who became out first home bred Canadian Champion. In her second litter we kept another beautiful daughter “Harper” our second home bred Champion. We are now into our 3rd generation of Lagotto with 10 Canadian Champions and 3 American Champions. Our dogs have won Best Puppy, Best Bred by and Winners Bitch at the Canadian Lagotto National. We have also won Reserve Winners Dog and Best Puppy at the American National. In 2016 Pixie was the #1 Lagotto Puppy in Canada.

Sara was honored to judge the Sweepstakes at the American Lagotto National in 2023.

Not only have our dogs been successful in the show ring and whelping box they have enriched countless lives as ambassadors of the breed to everyone they meet with their outstanding disposition. Plan a visit with us and see for yourself you will not want to leave.