4 point major Best of Winners Judge Donald Struz Jr
5 point major Best of Winners Judge Nancy Liebes
5 point major Winners Bitch Judge Kristi Francis
Georgia 4 point major Best of Winners Dr Donald Struz JrGeorgia 5 point major Winners Bitch Kristi Fancis Georgia on the move Photo by Alyssa JaniszakGeorgia free stack photo by Diana HanGeorgia on the move photo by Wendy ReynGeorgia on the move photo by Diana HanNew Champion judge Shawn NicholsGeorgia wavingGeorgia and SeanGeorgia at 18 monthsGeorgia at 18 monthsGeorgia at 11 monthsGeorgia at 11 monthsGeorgia at 11 monthsGeorgia at 10 months oldGeorgia at 9 months oldGeorgia smilingGeorgia and Sean at Puppy School GradGeorgia graduationGeorgia at schoolGeorgia at 5 monthsGeorgia at 8 weeks